Legacy: SmartThings Installation and Setup (Smartapp)
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  3. Legacy: SmartThings Installation and Setup (Smartapp)

SmartThings: Install the Konnected SmartApps Manually

You may need to install the Konnected SmartApps manually if you cannot use GitHub. If you’ve already installed the SmartApp with GitHub, you can skip this section!

  1. Go to My SmartApps and click New SmartApp.

    Make sure that the URL in your address bar is on regional SmartThings server, for example: graph-na04-useast2.api.smartthings.com, where the first part varies. If it's not, go to My Locations and click on your location to be redirected to your regional server.

  2. Click on the From Code tab on the New SmartApp screen.
  3. Click here for the Konnected (Connect) and Konnected Service Manager source code. You will need them both.
  4. Copy and paste the SmartApp source code into the code editor and click Create.
  5. Follow steps 5 - 9 in the Installing the SmartApps with GitHub article to publish the Konnected (Connect) app and to enable OAuth on the Service Manager.