Another Sensors not showing up issue

I have read through so many posts and not able to find a clear answer.  I have a working konnected v1 board with home assistant.  Zones 1-4 are just contact switches and then 5 is a pizo buzzer.  Works great in HA.  However when I add the board to homebridge it never shows the sensors nor does it beep when arming/disarming (entry exit I assume), or set off the alarm when the doors are opened which I'm guessing is because of the zones not showing up.   I'll add my json here and if anyone has any ideas I'd be grateful.  


    "name": "Konnected",
    "advanced": {
        "entryDelaySettings": {
            "delay": 30,
            "pulseDuration": 975,
            "pulsePause": 25,
            "pulseRepeat": -1
        "exitDelaySettings": {
            "delay": 0,
            "audibleBeeperModes": [
    "panels": [
            "name": "Home",
            "ipAddress": "redacted",
            "port": redacted,
            "blink": false,
            "zones": [
                    "enabled": true,
                    "zoneNumber": "1",
                    "zoneType": "contact",
                    "zoneLocation": "Front Door",
                    "binarySensorSettings": {
                        "audibleBeep": true,
                        "triggerableModes": [
                    "enabled": true,
                    "zoneNumber": "2",
                    "zoneType": "contact",
                    "zoneLocation": "Back Door",
                    "binarySensorSettings": {
                        "triggerableModes": [
                    "zoneNumber": "3",
                    "zoneType": "contact",
                    "zoneLocation": "Side Door",
                    "binarySensorSettings": {
                        "triggerableModes": [
                    "enabled": true,
                    "zoneNumber": "4",
                    "zoneType": "contact",
                    "zoneLocation": "Gate",
                    "binarySensorSettings": {
                        "triggerableModes": [
                    "enabled": true,
                    "zoneNumber": "5",
                    "zoneType": "beeper",
                    "zoneLocation": "Hallway",
                    "switchSettings": {
                        "trigger": "high",
                        "pulseDuration": 500,
                        "pulsePause": 500,
                        "pulseRepeat": 4,
                        "triggerableModes": [
    "platform": "konnected"


Remove your triggerableModes for the 5th zone in your config. That is (per the documentation) experimental and not necessary for your install.