Pro board ... how to handle more than 12 zones?


I'm considering moving to Konnected and am particularly interested in the Pro board ... but (ideally) I would be looking to implement 18 zones. 

I've been searching around but haven't found a doc or video etc, that explains ... how does hooking up multiple Pro boards work? Do they expand from a parent like the previous versions (if I even understand that right), or do they just have multiple, separate, instances that I will have to use my Hubitat (or whatever) to collate and make sense of?


lol, sry for weird editing artifact.

I have 2 of the pro boards. they don't connect to each other. you set up all your zones using whatever integration you choose. I use homebridge and its managed all there. each board has its own IP address and UDID. you enter all your zone info in there and you're done. 

Was suspecting this might be the case. Thanks for providing clarity.