Wiring Tablet - Intermittent Power to Tablet from Konnected

I am installing a Fire Tabley to replace my current security panel. For some reason, my Tablet will start to charge, but then after a few minutes, it started to charge intermittently, almost as if I am unplugging it and plugging it in every second or so.  Here is my setup: 

My Konnected panel is powered through the stock power adapter, then through the Konnected Backup power battery with 12V out.  I am using the existing wires, connecting red and black to + and - respectively to the Konnected hub.  On the other end I have the black and red wires wired into a 12V to 5V converter: 


I know everything is wired correctly, but can't seem to find out the issue for intermittent power. I even ran a voltage test on the wires, and I got 25V but that doesn't seem possible since only 12V is the output from the Konnected backup battery. 

Any thoughts or suggestions of what I could be doing wrong? Thanks for the help!