No State Change from Sensors Over SSL in Home Assistant

I had all the sensors updating without a problem locally (before duckdns SSL).  I'd like to get everything working over duckdns SSL so that I can remotely monitor and set my alarm system.  

I believe I have the port forwarding setup correct (TCP 443->443 and TCP 8123->8123 for the raspberry pi IP) and I am able to establish connection from my duckdns domain to my raspberry pi hassio server.  Below is a snapshot of my 5 zones from HA (produced from http://<my_domain>


I know for certain that the sensors work because I can change the state of the sensor, restart the Home Assistant, and upon wake HA shows the updated sensors state.  However, if I change the sensor state while HA is up and running over SSL, the HA doesn't reflect the changed state. :(

I ran the logger for the konnected device and was able to query the software/firmware versions from the http://<konnected IP>:<randomized_port> which is below:

  • konnected software version: 2.2.6
  • konnected firmware version: 2.2.6
  • API Endpoint: https://<my_domain>

What I think are the important bits of my configuration.yaml is below:

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
  base_url: https://<my_domain>
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
  api_password: !secret http_password

api_host: https://<my_domain>
access_token: blahblah
- id: <konnected MAC address>
- zone: 1
type: door
name: Garage/Front Door
- zone: 2
type: window
name: Downstairs Windows
- zone: 3
type: door
name: Back Door
- zone: 4
type: window
name: Master Windows
- zone: 5
type: window
name: Upstairs Back Windows


In addition to Duck DNS add-on, I also installed the NGINX Home Assistant SSL Proxy.  The configuration for that is below:


Has anyone else run into this before and could give me some advice?


Nevermind.  I should have gone to Nate's how-to on remote access using DuckDNS and Nginx proxy.

I removed the explicit http section and removed the api_host (also stopped DNSmasq and pi hole) and that did the job.  


# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
#  base_url: https://<my_domain>
#  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
#  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
#  api_password: !secret http_password

Example configuration.yaml entry

#api_host: https://<my_domain>
access_token: blahblah
- id: 807d3a3e088d
- zone: 1
type: door
name: Garage/Front Door
- zone: 2
type: window
name: Downstairs Windows
- zone: 3
type: door
name: Back Door
- zone: 4
type: window
name: Master Windows
- zone: 5
type: window
name: Upstairs Back Windows 

  I am able to 1) locally connect to the HA and 2) remotely connect to the HA and most importantly 3) see all sensors work and transition remotely/locally.