Momentary piezo occasionally doesn't stop

I've got a piezo set up as a warning signal while the alarm is in pending state. Sometimes it works fine, but about 25% of the time, when the alarm changes to another state, whether triggered or disarmed, the piezo stops chirping and starts buzzing full time. I can turn it off manually with a switch, but on its own it will just keep buzzing.

I've seen a few other threads reporting problems with piezos, but not exactly this. My configuration is below, I'd appreciate any suggestions.


  access_token: !secret konnected_access_token
  api_host: http://<etc>
    - id: <####>
      host: <####>
      port: <####>
        - zone: 1
          name: 'Front Door'
          type: door
        - zone: 2
          name: 'Front Door Motion'
          type: motion
        - zone: 3
          name: 'Garage Door'
          type: door
        - zone: 4
          name: 'Garage Door Motion'
          type: motion
        - zone: out
          name: 'Siren'
        - zone: 5
          name: 'Front door Piezo'
          momentary: 150
          pause: 500
          repeat: -1 


automation piezo:
  - alias: 'Beep piezo while in pending state'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
        to: 'pending'
      service: homeassistant.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.front_door_piezo
  • alias: ‘Stop beeping piezo when pending state ends’
    • platform: state
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
      from: ‘pending’
      service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.front_door_piezo


Oh and for the record, this is running the latest firmware (2.2.6) and Home Assistant 0.90.0.

Hi- did you ever figure this out?

I believe the issue is how konnected interprets homeassistant.turn_off (or switch.turn_off) based on a similar question I raised on the home-assistant forumI don't think konnected is handling the 'off' messages correctly. 

I'm having a similar issue where I have the piezo buzzer beeping once per second while the system is in a pending state waiting 60 seconds to be armed (arm_away). If I cancel the arm_away before the 60 seconds, everything in my cancel-automation will kick off works except the piezo continues to beep.


# When the alarm has been disarmed. The following things happen:
# 1- Timer is canceled
# 2- Piezo 50 second countdown stops (not working)
# 3- Piezo 10 second countdown stops (not working)
# 4- The siren turns off
# 5- Alexa says "Perimeter defenses, offline"
- alias: Alarm Disarmed
    - platform: state
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm
      to: disarmed
    - service: timer.cancel
      entity_id: timer.arm_away_timer
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.countdown_50
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.countdown_10
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.siren_2
    - service: media_player.alexa_tts
        entity_id: media_player.my_echo_dot
        message: "Perimeter defenses, de-activated"


Unfortunately I did not ever get the piezo working via konnected. It sounds from your description like the same symptoms. Good luck finding a solution!

An alternative to consider is to connect the piezo to something other than the konnected boards, e.g. the raspberry pi or whatever is running home assistant.

The issue with having the piezo connected to a pi is that the piezo buzzer is going to be hidden behind my wall mounted tablet at one end of the house but the pi is on the other end and I cant run a cable from one side to the other. Very frustrating. I feel like I'm like 95% done replacing my old alarm system feature for feature except for this.

I’m having the same issue, plus I am getting recurring piezo alarms over and over, and occasionally the siren will chirp. attached a photo of recurring piezo alarms. I think they are related. Has anyone figured out the solution? I’ve ordered the add-on board.