hassio not seeing newly installed system


I just got my  system in the mail.  Hooked it up and configured the wifi.  I added the "konnected" section in the configuration.yml with the last 6 digits of the mac address and restarted hassio which is running on a PI3.

I don't get any errors in the home_assistant.log and I configured ngix, and am able to connected without https.  

Should I expect to see the devices themselves in home page or do I actually need to hook sensor in before I see anything?  Wanted to make sure hassio sees everything before moving forward. 

Got it working, went into host for the hassio docker and found what it was looking for, for the ID. 


2018-07-13 19:21:16 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.components.konnected] Initialized Konnected device *********ed
2018-07-13 19:21:17 INFO (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.components.konnected] Initialized Konnected device *********02